Enigma Funkspruch
Message P1030675ENIGMA M4 MESSAGE KEY (Nachricht P1030675):
Reflector: C
Greek: B
Wheels: 568
Wheel positions: SCHL
Rings: AAEL
Message indicator groups: PDYK CKSY
Ciphertext (without indicator groups):
Interpretation (preliminary):
SEHR SEHR DRINGEND [An] F.d.U. Ausbildung,[und] 4., 25. und 26. U-Flottillen:
Hier vorliegende Kriegstagebuch einer Minensuchflottille zeigen immer wieder schlechte Fahrdisziplin U-Boote in Geleiten sowie bei Alleinmarsch: grosszügige Abweichungen von Zwangsweg, sei es durch fehlerhafte Navigation, grosszügige Ausweichbewegungen oder leichtfertiges Abschneiden bei Kursänderungen. Ich mache es den Kommandanten erneut zur Pflicht einerseits Zwangswege genaue inzuhalten, wobei Abstand von Bojenstrich 50 bis 150 Meter betragen soll, anderseits bei Fahren im Geleit die vor Antritt des Marsches beim Geleitführer zu erfragen den Befehle überfahrweise und Abstand vom Geleit persönlich innezuhalten. Bei Verstössen, die mir gemeldet werden, behalte ich mir sofortige Ablösung des betreffenden Kommandanten vor.
[Von] Kom. Adm. U-Boote GKdos 4222 Befehl.
Translation (preliminary):
EXTREMELY URGENT [To] Comsubs Training, [and] 4th, 25th and 26th Submarine Flotillas:
A minesweeper-flotilla’s war diary submitted here shows again and again bad sailing discipline [among] U-boats, in convoy as well as on solo cruise: large-scale deviations from the prescribed route, be it through faulty navigation, large-scale evasive movements or careless shortcuts during course changes. I again make it the responsibility of the commanders, on the one hand to keep exactly to prescribed routes, whereby the distance from the buoy line shall amount to 50 to 150 meters; and on the other hand, while sailing in convoy, to pause before the beginning of the cruise to personally ascertain from the convoy leader the orders regarding crossing and distance from the escort. For any violations reported to me, I reserve to myself [the power to order] the immediate removal of the commander in question.
[From] Commanding Admiral of Submarines, Secret Command Matter 4222 Order.
"BINE" (or "BIENE") is one of three codewords that were optionally used as substitutes for the urgency sign "SSD" ("SEHR SEHR DRINGEND" or "EXTREMELY URGENT"). The other two codewords were "MUKE" (or "MUECKE") and "WESPE".
"GKdos" is an abbreviation of “Geheime Kommandosache”, (“Secret Command Matter”).
Original message key and rings:
Wheel positions: WRHL
Rings: EPEL